Metals? No, thank you.
Is it good to replace metal with polymers?
These are the disadvantages of metal:
- It is expensive as it is sold under price per liter;
- Prices fluctuate;
- High density;
- It is not wear resistant because it gets damages under water or acids;
- It is not possible to add colours. Its surface finish is only opaque;
- Expensive secondary process;
- Design and project are under limitation;
- High energetic consumption while metal processing.
We have the Solution.
They combine all the advantages enbodied by metals, such as excellent mechanical characteristics and all the advantages of polymers in terms of project and design which are plastic fusion, corrosion resistance and many other aspects that can be read as following.
Economic Advantages:
- No need to make secondary processes;
- Easy processibility;
- Complex structure;
- Material stability;
- Unlimited moldability.
Performances Advantages:
- Enhanced tribological characteristics;
- Reduced finished product weight;
- Corrosion and chemical resistance;
- Noise decrease.
Esthetical Advantages:
- Unlimited colours and combinations;
- Best ergonomic design.
Summerizing Technical Description of Polymers:
- Low Density;
- Low Creep;
- Surface Finish obtained at temperatures above 120°C;
- Thin-Walled Processibility;
- Fatigue Resistance;
- Low Moisture Absorption;
- Thermal Resistance;
- Low Moulding Shrinkage;
- Low Deformation;
- Cost Reduction;
- Weight Reduction;
- No need to make surface finish processes;
- It is possible to integrate other functions.
You can read full range of products suitable for metal replacing that we supply just scrolling down this webpage.